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  2. Pursuant to Article XI, Section 4 of the amended AFPSLAI By-Laws and its implementing rules and regulations, existing cadets/probationary officers of the Philippine Military Academy, Philippine National Police Academy, Philippine Air Force Flying School, Officers Candidate School, Naval Officers Candidate Course, who are already separated from the academy/training school for reasons other than graduation or complete disability discharge (CDD) leading to becoming a pensioner, shall be disqualified to retain membership and shall be terminated subject to the terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.

    The list of members, who are still categorized as cadets/probationary officers but have long been separated from the academy for reasons other than graduation or CDD, is listed here:

    We advise the members whose names appear in the list to immediately visit any AFPSLAI Branch or Satellite Office to submit the following necessary documents to update their records not later than December 27, 2024 (Friday).

    Acceptable Documents as Applicable
    a. Member identification
    • Valid Service/Pensioner/Retiree ID or any two (2) valid government-issued photo IDs
    b. Change in payjur assignment
    • Appointment Order in new assignment or any equivalent document
    • Copy of Birth Certificate and Marriage Contract of parents (if requesting reclassification as associate dependent)
    • Complete Disability Discharge (for conversion to pensioner)

    Membership termination shall commence on January 27, 2025 (Monday).

    Members due for termination may be converted to either regular or be retained as associate members subject to satisfaction of eligibility requirements.

  4. Pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the amended AFPSLAI By-Laws and its implementing rules and regulations, any Regular or Associate member of AFPSLAI who failed to update his/her membership records for a continuous period of time may be terminated from the Association. Said termination process shall be subject to the date, effective application, terms and conditions, and procedures to be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.

    Based on our records, several members have not updated their membership records for at least ten (10) years. The list of members due for termination is listed here.

    We advise the members whose names appear in the list to immediately visit any AFPSLAI Branch or Satellite Office to submit the following necessary documents to update their records not later than April 30, 2025 (Wednesday):

    Acceptable Documents as Applicable
    b. Member identification
    • Appointment Order / Payslip / Statement of Earnings (if still in active service)

    • Retirement Order / Declaration of Legal Beneficiary (for retired military or pensioner) / Appointment Order or Certification of Employment from Admin/HR/Personnel Affairs Office for civilian employees or its equivalent documents

    • Discharge Order / Resignation Order

    • Complete Disability Discharge for former Cadets reclassified as pensioners
    d. Retention as qualified Associate Member
    • Copy of Marriage Contract or Birth Certificate, as applicable

    • Appointment Order (for PVAO pensioner)
    f. Retention as qualified Corporate (Regular or Associate) Member
    • Latest Board Resolution certified by Corporate Secretary and/or Secretary’s Certificate

    • Latest General Information Sheet

    • Contact numbers of the entity and authorized signatories

    • Photo-bearing valid IDs of the account holders/authorized signatories/corporate secretary

    • Source of funds and nature of business

    • Beneficial owners and beneficiaries of the corporate juridical entities

    • Audited Financial Statements, if any

    Note: All authorized signatories must be AFPSLAI members whose individual records are also updated

Membership termination shall take effect after the posting of Annual Dividend in May 2025.

They may also render the necessary compliance through online means via email (bossg@afpslai.com.ph).

Failure to render the necessary compliance will result in the termination of membership of those included in the list. Termination of membership shall have the following effects:

  • Cancellation of all the rights of a member including the right to receive dividends and interests, and to participate in the distribution of the net assets of the Association;

  • Automatic termination of the associate membership of the Regular Member’s dependents even if their records are updated; and

  • Should the associate dependents of the Regular Member in good standing be the ones subject to termination, the Regular Member can retain his membership if his account is considered updated.

Members whose membership was terminated in accordance with this policy may apply for readmission and shall be treated as new applicants for membership, subject to the same terms and conditions applicable to newly admitted AFPSLAI members.

For more information, please visit any AFPSLAI Branch or Satellite Offices nearest you.

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